Half banana
JoinedPosts by Half banana
No historical evidence for bronze age men living to 500yrs old?
by purrpurr inthe bible tells us that noah etc lived to 500yrs old as did many other characters who lived apparently to incredible years.. yet archaeological research tells us from looking at skeletons that have been dug up that the average lifespan was very short.
if a man got to the age of 50 they would have considered that quite an achievement.
when i was in i always wondered about this?
Half banana
There are no such people with bodies "far more perfect than ours". Except in myth. -
No historical evidence for bronze age men living to 500yrs old?
by purrpurr inthe bible tells us that noah etc lived to 500yrs old as did many other characters who lived apparently to incredible years.. yet archaeological research tells us from looking at skeletons that have been dug up that the average lifespan was very short.
if a man got to the age of 50 they would have considered that quite an achievement.
when i was in i always wondered about this?
Half banana
People in stories who have names which describe what they do or did demonstrate the point that they are made up. Abraham = father of the multitudes.
Abraham probably represented an archetype, a mythical founding father, to explain the foreign settlers who came to Canaan. Archaeology shows that dispossessed and homeless bands of pastoralists from Assyria and from the and south-east, did arrive there around 1600 BCE. They are recorded as the Ebiru on contemporary stone inscriptions. In Egyptian texts at about 1300 BCE the Habiru are recorded as semi-nomadic pastoralists who settled in Canaan.
Most of the OT was written by Jews (a name used only after the exile from Babylon) usually copying foreign sources, in an attempt to write a rosy account of their truly impoverished history.
No historical evidence for bronze age men living to 500yrs old?
by purrpurr inthe bible tells us that noah etc lived to 500yrs old as did many other characters who lived apparently to incredible years.. yet archaeological research tells us from looking at skeletons that have been dug up that the average lifespan was very short.
if a man got to the age of 50 they would have considered that quite an achievement.
when i was in i always wondered about this?
Half banana
Lieu, Abraham and Moses never lived except in myth. -
The New World , Utopian or Dystopian?
by BluesBrother inlike many others on here i was raised and spent many years of my life looking forward to , and basing my life around the anticipated "new world" .this utopian paradise would "satisfy the desire of every living thing".
we would enjoy eternal youth in perfect health,have abundant good food ,comfortable homes ,even welcome our parents and forebears back from the dead - what's not to like?i found this description of a dystopian world on the net :"characteristics of a dystopian society• propaganda is used to control the citizens of society.• information, independent thought, and freedom are restricted.• a figurehead or concept is worshipped by the citizens of the society.• citizens are perceived to be under constant surveillance.• citizens have a fear of the outside world.• citizens live in a dehumanized state.• the natural world is banished and distrusted.• citizens conform to uniform expectations.
individuality and dissent are bad.• the society is an illusion of a perfect utopian world."hmm.
Half banana
Propaganda and mind control...it works a treat...but only for the cult leaders. -
Publishers in Tokyo/ Fast decreasing
by nakanozzi inthese photos were taken in 2013.publishers chatting away during the field service were quite common around my neighborhood few years ago.but they are rarely seen in these days.. .
Half banana
Doesn't look like much of a conversation...like to translate? -
Rogue Bro. exposing TTATT, becomes a huge hit in Japan. It boasts nearly 300,000 access each month
by nakanozzi ina japanese bro.
in good standing in his congregation, exposing ttatt in his blog, boasts nearly 300,000 access per month.. he is nearly unstoppable.. shou-tan blog.
Half banana
Nakanozzi, this is delightful news, I never realized before that rubber lips and co were cross dressers. -
The religious mind and evolution
by Half banana inthe greatest impediment to clear thinking by people who chose faith above all else is their unsubstantiated belief that the bible is the inerrant word of god.. believers well know about the feeling of certainty when it comes to their religious vision, they love to announce it but they cannot verify it.
it is the cart before the horse.. over the centuries, since roman law mandated its own brand of worship through the religious organ of the catholic church, the idea had been established by universal reckoning... and punishment if denied... that the bible always told the truth.. we, all of us here, would not be taking sides on this issue were it not for this grotesque distortion of reality courtesy of the church of the dark ages.. instead if we had taken evidence from the natural world, all would recognize the plain, coherent and evidential logic of darwin's explanation of how life diversified from a common stock.
one hundred and fifty seven years later after intense scrutiny by hundreds of thousands of scientists, no one has spotted a damning conflict in the theorum nor can they because it is factual.
Half banana
Excellent article Mephis. It's little wonder that Jesus' words are put in the Bible to say that the kingdom belongs to those who are like children i.e. naive. Hardly surprising that the WTBTS want only those individuals stuck in the same limited, undeveloped and uncritical mode like a child who still believes an invisible man must have made everything.
It's endearing to see our kids making category mistakes, we know they will develop but quite appalling when adults force others to believe that the child's approach is best.
WILL this be New Light? Is the Watchtower preparing to say out loud, Jesus is Jehovah?
by Terry inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vk7ertncbsk
Half banana
The pedigree of this ambivalent belief is so interesting. How can anyone be someone else? Literal truth is never going to come to rescue us since the characters involved are mythical.
Only in myth can the irreconcilable become reconciled, that is its function.
Contemplate the mental cog-whirring which has occupied the religious minds over time in attempting to understand this story. It makes more sense when understood in its original setting.
It began in the solar mythos, as do most religious essentials; the fundamental legends drawn from the earliest farming communities of the late Stone Age. These were based on the mnemonics of oral tales describing the annual path of the stars, sun and moon as they passed through the twelve heavenly 'houses'. The legends of the Twelve Labours of Hercules exemplify a Greek version of the stories i.e. one momentous labour for each zodiacal month. The constellations of the ancients being used as markers in a calendar to facilitate the timing of the various duties throughout the farming year.
The supreme deity was the sun, and the Sun God fathered a solar son god born in the 'Virgin' (Virgo) three days after the annual death of the old sun on 22 December, which the astute might note is no longer the case due to what is called the precession of the equinoxes. (Son and sun are not to be confused... it's just a homophone in the English language and these stories are almost global).
To keep it as brief as possible; what was a compendium of orally transmitted stories about the heavens and the activities of its Gods became the framework for formal religious teaching.
The Egyptian Horus/Osiris legends carry forward the ideas with an ambiguous solar hero Osiris, who is also his father Horus. Just to make one startling connection with Jesus. Horus raised from the dead, as did Jesus, 'his friend' Lazarus -( Elazarus> El Osirus> Osiris). His other self!
I could go on but enough to say that most christian stories were already found in ancient pagan mythology two and a half thousand years before Jesus' name was appended to them.
Carl Jung recognized that the Horus/Osiris myth was the source of the Christian rising and dying saviour.
As a last point, note the convergence of all major religious festivals with the winter solstice; the death of the Sun and the rebirth three days later on Christmas day, next the spring equinox, the time when the solar deity is sacrificed and goes up to his heavenly father who is also a solar god.
The river of time flows but the myth in whatever dress remains, and so will the essential ambivalence of the identity of the solar deities.
The religious mind and evolution
by Half banana inthe greatest impediment to clear thinking by people who chose faith above all else is their unsubstantiated belief that the bible is the inerrant word of god.. believers well know about the feeling of certainty when it comes to their religious vision, they love to announce it but they cannot verify it.
it is the cart before the horse.. over the centuries, since roman law mandated its own brand of worship through the religious organ of the catholic church, the idea had been established by universal reckoning... and punishment if denied... that the bible always told the truth.. we, all of us here, would not be taking sides on this issue were it not for this grotesque distortion of reality courtesy of the church of the dark ages.. instead if we had taken evidence from the natural world, all would recognize the plain, coherent and evidential logic of darwin's explanation of how life diversified from a common stock.
one hundred and fifty seven years later after intense scrutiny by hundreds of thousands of scientists, no one has spotted a damning conflict in the theorum nor can they because it is factual.
Half banana
The greatest impediment to clear thinking by people who chose faith above all else is their unsubstantiated belief that the Bible is the inerrant word of God.
Believers well know about the feeling of certainty when it comes to their religious vision, they love to announce it but they cannot verify it. It is the cart before the horse.
Over the centuries, since Roman law mandated its own brand of worship through the religious organ of the Catholic Church, the idea had been established by universal reckoning... and punishment if denied... that the Bible always told the truth.
We, all of us here, would not be taking sides on this issue were it not for this grotesque distortion of reality courtesy of the Church of the Dark Ages.
Instead if we had taken evidence from the natural world, all would recognize the plain, coherent and evidential logic of Darwin's explanation of how life diversified from a common stock. One hundred and fifty seven years later after intense scrutiny by hundreds of thousands of scientists, no one has spotted a damning conflict in the theorum nor can they because it is factual. All subsequent major discoveries in the field have confirmed and further illuminated its truthfulness.
Not to believe this demonstrates a wilful ignorance of the facts of life as geology reveals.
To believe in creation demonstrates a person places a blind conviction in a spirit world and the thousand consequential and idiotic beliefs which follow from this primary error...none of which can be proved. The foundation of religious thought is whimsical, unprovable and therefore logically cannot be built further upon.
Humans are of course more than logical machines, we are far more... we are sentient; we feel for others and often want to be like them and be accepted by them. Perhaps unlike animals we greatly enjoy using emotion and imagination but what is the point of enjoying the emotional pay-back which comes from the certainty of belief in the unknowable... when contrary evidence within our grasp is testable like evolution is?
Surely we are observing a grave flaw in the human psyche?
by AndersonsInfo inif i told you that something bigger is on the horizon than dateline, bbc, cbc, sunday (australia), and all other tv programs which exposed the sexual child abuse cover-up by watchtower in 2002-2003, would you believe me?
have i ever misled you?
i'll answer that--no!
Half banana
D+Restart, like to give details and references?